Алкор Пейкеш

Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

In 1996, Tavrichesky Bank of Russia began research toward an ecommerce based, bank/customer payment processing system. In analyzing the available payment alternatives, it became readily apparent that a new approach was required to satisfy the objectives of a safe, anonymous, fast, and effective payment system for the Internet. The design team began the development and implementation of The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System in 1997. By 1998 an early version of The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System was developed. In 1999, an extensive pilot project with a major international bank was successfully implemented.

For the past two years, The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System has undergone meticulous testing within the rigors of ecommerce and now CYPHERMINT, Inc. is pleased to offer the deployment of its industrial strength “alternative Internet payment system.”

The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System provides the most complete Internet payment system for B2B and B2C ecommerce. The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System allows users to conduct ecommerce over the Internet with complete transaction information security — coupled with comprehensive audit trails for non-repudiation of transactions by both buyer and seller. The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System is a complete ecommerce payment system — handling payments ranging from micro-payments to multimillion-dollar procurements.

The CYPHERMINT Pay Cash System is destined to become the preferred "alternative Internet payment system" and CYPHERMINT is now forming strategic business alliances with financial institutions, Internet portals, and online merchants as part of its initial product launch.

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  • 2013-12-18 15:12:54 5 460
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Честная зарплата), не наказывают за опоздания, Бесплатный кофе)

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