Batterjee Security Systems

Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

Our History

The Batterjee presence in the commercial markets of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia date back to the beginnings of the Kingdom as we know it today. Over a century ago, Ibrahim Hassan Batterjee was an active businessman and entrepreneur. Based in Jeddah, the Red Sea coastal city, he traveled throughout the Middle East. Founder of one of the original families of Jeddah, he was a highly respected member of the city. Amongst other businesses, he and his sons founded the Batterjee Pharmaceutical Company that still exists today.

The family has grown expansively over the years. The business has divided, grown and diversified as the numerous sons and grandsons have graduated from universities around the world and returned to establish themselves. Abd Almajeed Batterjee, the eldest grandson, founded "BATTERJEE MEDICAL SERVICES" (BMS) in 1981 in the capital city of Riyadh. In 1981 as well the security division was established "BATTERJEE SECURITY PRODUCTS" (BSP), marking the beginning of the A M Batterjee Group. The Group headquarters relocated to Jeddah in 1994.

Mission Statement 

Our goal is to place at our client's disposal all of our years of experience and technical expertise for the implementation and completion of any project that we undertake. We strive to maintain our reputation as the number ONE provider of Custom Security Systems, from commercial and residential integrated systems to turnkey industrial applications.

When you select a security or communication system from Batterjee Security Products, you'll have the best of sales and service professionals behind you. From initial consultation, to planning and installation, to service and training, you can always find the help you need from us.

Customer service

Service and support has always been the number ONE priority in our organization. We understand the need for quick response to customer calls, providing 24 hour support and the best solutions available to ensure our customers' peace of mind.

At Batterjee Security Products, we excel as a Team committed to exceeding our clients' expectations. We draw upon the accumulated experience of decades in completing the most prestigious projects and we are backed by the best brands in the business. Our reliability as a supplier and as a turn-key contractor, providing engineering, installation, commissioning and after-sale support from under one roof, earns us the continued confidence of our clients.

The Future 

We will continue to grow due to our dedication to provide our clients with the successful implementation of the most advanced commercial and residential security systems available, and we will continue to contribute to the security and economic aspirations of our beloved Saudi Arabia, and the U.A.E.

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  • 2013-12-18 17:57:28 5 488
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