Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Юридические услуги

TMF GROUP is a leading independant financial and administrative services provider, which has currently150 offices in 80 countries. We assemble professional teams of lawyers, accountants and financial experts to deliver high quality services to our clients - international organisations from different business fields and industries.

Three years ago, TMF decided to go from a Pan European company to a service provider on a thruly global scale. To achive this goal we need keen professionals who want to make the most of their time and knowledge and who are willing to build up a career in our dinamic and fast growing organisation.  
The Moscow TMF office has opened in 2006 and now the representative is in the stage of active grouth. We are looking for  the experienced professionals and post-graduated students in Law and Accounting.

Working at TMF Group offers:

  • Learning opportunities: you will work with highly experienced colleagues who are ready to share their knowledge, and will receive the opportunity to work on diverse and complex client requests. You will also be able to apply for and be supported for training.
  • Value-driven work environment: you can expect integrity and respect from all your colleagues and your leadership team.
  • Teamwork: an environment where we learn from our mistakes and work together to improve our processes continuously. A no-blame culture where teamwork is important, valued and lived daily.
  • Ambition: we are a growing company in which we constantly look for the next opportunity and where all ideas are welcome.

Отзыв сотрудника Позор компании о компании TMF RUS

  • 2022-07-03 16:58:06 3 99
Положительные стороны

Позор компании! позор компании Tatiana Olenсhenko Ekaterina Borushkova Alexey Surazksky

Отрицательные стороны

Позор компании! позор компании Tatiana Olenсhenko Ekaterina Borushkova Alexey Surazksky

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