International School of Moscow

Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

The International School of Moscow was established in April 2007 in response to the demands and expressions of interest from the international community of Moscow. ISM is part of The British Schools Foundation, one of the largest networks of British International Schools in the world with presence in Brazil, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Russia, Spain and Uzbekistan. Its mission is to provide excellent British style education in an international context. Each school in the Foundation shares common management, principles and policies aimed at ensuring high standards in all aspects of school life: from academic performance to high quality facilities and excellent conditions for staff.
To work at The International School of Moscow is more than simply having a job; it is an exciting and rewarding experience. We are dedicated to ensuring that all members of staff are proud of the company they work for, which extends beyond enjoying outstanding working conditions and packages, and is more to do with the ambition to improve, develop and provide opportunities in all areas of school life. 
Please learn more about us by visiting our website and watching the video below: 

положительный отзыв о компании International School of Moscow

  • 2013-12-18 14:59:03 5 213
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чувствуешь себя ценным сотрудников!Деньги платят всегда вовремяМед страховка покрывает много клиник!)Частые повышения.

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